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Homework Policies

Miss Cooney's Homework and Help Tips

We don't receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves after a

journey that no one can take for us or spare us. 
Marcel Proust


1. Each student will keep a planner, which is filled out everyday in class.

2. Students are responsible for getting a parent signature in  
    their planner each night after their homework 
    has been completed.

3. Please have your student establish a homework time.

4. You may wish to monitor your student's homework for 
    quality and time spent.  Let me know if you feel your child is 
    spending too much, or not enough time on homework.
5. Please contact me if you ever have any questions or 
    concerns. You may call me at school, drop me a note in the
    planner, or e-mail me.
6. Be positive about your child's work.  Praise all improvement 
    and effort.